Month: November 2022

8 Photogrammetry Software Considerations All Drone Operators Should Know

When evaluating any type of software, there are several factors to consider. Technical specifications are obviously important because you need the software to deliver specific outcomes. However, other factors are also important. How easy is it to learn the software? Does how you use it impact the pricing? Should you buy an on-premise solution or rely on cloud-based software? This is especially true for photogrammetry software.

8 Considerations for Photogrammetry Software

In addition to referencing review platforms, such as the G2 Grid for Photogrammetry, for objective feedback, let’s explore some of the factors you should consider when selecting photogrammetry software.

1. Map Outputs

Make sure the software you choose will meet your mapping needs. Look for the ability to create 3D models, digital elevation models, and orthomosaics. You might also need export formats such as:

  • Dense point cloud (.las)
  • Digital elevation model (.tiff)
  • Orthomosaic (.tiff)
  • Mesh and texture (.obj)

If you need to use measurement tools, look for high levels of accuracy with ground control points, scale constraints, GPS corrections, and the ability to set the number of objects to detect and match vector preferences.

2. User Interface

The faster you can learn photogrammetry software, the faster you can get your drone—and your project—off the ground. The user interface for your photogrammetry software should be easy to use, allowing you to focus on operating the drone, not on navigating unwieldy software. Make sure you can also easily manage users and access so your teams can work together from any location.

photogrammetry software interface

3. Cloud-Based or On-Premise

Consider your existing resources when evaluating photogrammetry software. On-premise software may come with hardware requirements you can’t meet without upgrading, which adds to the cost. 

Cloud-based software can be used on phones, tablets, or desktop computers, and you can access it anytime from any machine that can connect to the internet. This gives you ultimate flexibility, doesn’t burden your machine when creating models, and allows you to process more data faster and with fewer crashes. Cloud-based solutions also allow you to avoid a large up-front investment in purchasing on-premise software, servers, and hardware upgrades.

4. Software Integrations

With the right integrations, maps created using photogrammetry software can be used with other software to help you make informed decisions. Export the file type that makes the most sense for your application and import it into the software you already use. For example, engineers overlay buildings designed using computer-aided design on accurate images of the site to see 3D models of the designs in the real world. 

5. Storage

Compare storage limits when choosing photogrammetry software because it can impact the overall price, especially if it’s a hidden cost you didn’t anticipate. It’s also important to know how long your data will be stored, so find out if the company you’re considering puts a time limit on it. Understand the costs of storing your data and how you will be billed for it so you can incorporate it into your budget.

Cloud storage allows you to access your data from anywhere so you can always deliver in today’s flexible work environment. Depending on the nature of your project, you may also need a solution that offers secure storage. Look for real-time network monitoring, unified threat monitoring, and dynamic packet filtering to protect your data.

6. Support Resources

Look for a platform that offers free resources that allow you to learn as much as you can on your own. For example, a knowledge base enables you to get fast answers to the most common questions without having to reach out to customer support. You might also want the flexibility of custom configuration services that make your workflow easier and adapt to the way your team already works.

7. Pricing Plans

Flexible pricing plans allow you to choose what makes the most sense for the way you’ll be using the software. If you will be an infrequent user, you might want to start with a plan designed for a single user. If you plan to use the software on a regular basis or need to share information among teams, look for a platform that offers unlimited use with a monthly subscription.

8. Flight Planning and Capture Tools

When evaluating photogrammetry tools, consider whether they come with complementary software that allows you to plan flights or sync captured images with your software. Apps that are integrated with your photogrammetry software can help reduce mistakes, saving you time and money.

As you explore your options, sign up for free trials so you can try before you buy and make sure it’s the right fit for your needs.

A screenshot of Mapware Fly showing the Flight Parameters sidebar: altitude, drone speed, camera angle, front overlap, and side overlap

Mapware Photogrammetry Software

If you are evaluating various platforms, take a deeper dive into what Mapware has to offer. As a leader on the G2 Grid, Mapware is a proven photogrammetry solution. Hosted on a stable cloud-based platform with GPU-accelerated processing, Mapware is fast, secure, and accessible from anywhere. The intuitive user interface and configurable enterprise tools allow your team to hit the ground running. Flexible pricing plans with no data limits allow you to plan around your budget with no nasty surprises. 
Ready to put Mapware to work for you? Start a free trial today!

Precision Agriculture: Drones & Modern Farm Management

Farming has changed dramatically since the original Agricultural Revolution 12,000 years ago when humans made the shift from hunting and gathering to planting and cultivating crops. Mechanization in the 17th century led to another major leap in productivity and the transportation of goods. In the 20th century, technology such as hybridization, genetic engineering, herbicides, and pesticides increased production even further. Now, farmers are using drones, satellites, and specialized software for precision agriculture.

What Is Precision Agriculture?

Precision agriculture is the use of computer technology to enhance crop health through targeted farming techniques based on site-specific needs. Real-time data is gathered and analyzed to determine soil, crop, water, and air conditions. This can be combined with other data, such as equipment availability, weather predictions, and access to labor to make informed decisions about agricultural strategy.

Based on the data gathered and recommendations from analytical software, farmers can implement soil management practices and decide when to plant, fertilize, harvest, and rotate crops. Because the images are of such high quality, farmers can make decisions for entire fields, sections of fields, and even individual plants and animals, including monitoring nearby habitats of endangered species.  

Precision Agriculture Technology

The various types of precision agriculture technology are often combined to paint a complete picture and allow farmers to make informed decisions.

Real-Time Imagery

Satellite imagery can provide valuable information about crops and soil. However, images can only be captured on the satellite’s schedule, and when there is cloud cover, the data is not useful. To allow more flexibility, many farmers use drones to capture images on their own schedule, including when there is cloud cover. Repeatable flight plans and workflows capture consistent data, and drones are more accurate, affordable, reliable, and flexible than satellites.


Photogrammetry software allows farmers to create 2D photomosaic maps and 3D models from the imagery captured by drones. When compared, the maps show changes over time to monitor crop health. High resolution enables farmers to zoom into small areas—in some cases, down to the centimeter—to identify pests.

precision agriculture drone using remote sensing on field

Remote Sensing

Multispectral sensors on drones and satellites can be used to show moisture levels in soil, temperature differentials in a field, and other metrics that help assess crop health. 

Field Sensing

Sensors in the field can accurately measure moisture levels in soil, air temperature, and so on to provide constant, real-time measurements. These sensors can be programmed to provide alerts when certain conditions are met so farmers can act quickly as needed.

Data Integration

Information gathered from real-time imagery can be integrated with other software, maps, and data to paint the most complete picture and enable informed decisions. 

Benefits of Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture offers many benefits for farmers and agricultural agencies. 

Higher Yields

By taking steps to improve soil health and use the right fertilizers at the right time, farmers are able to increase crop yields, reduce expenses, and grow profits.

Less Waste

With precision agriculture, farmers can use the minimum amount of fertilizer and apply it only in the areas that need it, creating less waste and reducing unnecessary expenses. They can also intervene when crops are diseased to prevent spreading diseases to other crops.

Environmental Protection

Precision irrigation is the practice of using only the necessary amount of water and only when it’s needed. This helps reduce water pollution from runoff. It also allows farmers to use less water, fuel, and fertilizer, reducing their environmental impact.

Use Mapware for Precision Agriculture

Mapware photogrammetry software allows you to quickly create and analyze 2D maps and 3D models to make informed agricultural decisions. Whether you save a crop with early detection and removal of diseased plants or use sensors to assess soil moisture, using drones with Mapware for precision agriculture can help you reduce costs, increase profits, and shrink your environmental footprint.

Ready to put Mapware to work for you? Start a free trial today!